How to select
Choose apples that are bright in color . Make sure the skin is firm, smooth, blemish-free and the stem is intact.
How to prepare
Rinse apples under running water and pat dry. Eat whole or slice.
How to store
Apples may be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for up to three weeks away from odorous food.
Peak season
Ways to use
- Dipping apples into peanut butter is a great way to get extra protein.
- Make your own applesauce.
- Apples make great baked fruit desserts, such as breads, muffins, cobblers, and crisps.
- Great for on-the-go, grab an apple for a quick snack.
- Create an apple-tasting bar to try many different varieties.
Fun facts
In the U.S., there are more than 2,500 apple varieties grown. Half of the world's fruit-producing trees are apple trees. Apples are made up of 25% air. An apple tree can take up to 10 years to reach full production.
Nutrition info and facts
Apples are high in dietary fiber, which helps decrease risk of heart disease and aids in digestion. Eating the skin of an apple provides twice as much fiber and helps regulate blood sugar. Apples contain malic acid, a chemical compound that can treat fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and gallstones. Regular consumption of apples can decrease cancer risk due to the presence of pectin, quercetin, procyanidins, and vitamin C.
1 medium apple = 95 calories, 0 g fat, 1 g protein, 25 g carbohydrate, 19 g sugar, 3 g fiber
Learn more
Growing apples in the home garden (UMN Extension)
The Nutrition Source. Apples.
Parlee Farms. Interesting apple facts to know.