Green beans

A bunch of fresh green beans

How to select

Choose green beans that are brightly colored and snap easily.

How to prepare

  • Rinse beans under running water. 
  • Cut the ends off each bean.

How to store

Store green beans in a plastic bag in the fridge and use within one week.

Peak season


Ways to use

  • Eat green beans raw, roasted, grilled, boiled, or sauteed. 
  • Mix them in a stir fry. 
  • Eat them raw with your favorite dip.

Fun facts

  • Green bean pods can be green, yellow, purple, or speckled with red. 
  • Wisconsin grows about 300,000 tons of green beans each year. 
  • In Blairsville, Georgia, they host an annual Green Bean Festival on the last Saturday of July. 
  • The largest green bean casserole was 637 pounds.

Nutrition facts and info

One cup of green beans provides almost 1/3 of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. Good source of fiber to regulate blood sugars. Contain vitamins B1 & B6, folate, magnesium, and potassium.

1 cup 1/2" pieces = 31 calories, 7 g carbs, 3.4 g fiber, 2 g protein, 37 mg calcium, 25 mg magnesium, 38 mg phosphorus, 209 mg potassium, 16 mg vitamin C

Learn more

Growing green beans in the home garden (UMN Extension)

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FoodData Central. Beans, snap, yellow, raw. April 2018.

Have a Plant. Green beans

Mavis Butterfield: One Hundred Dollars a Month. 10 Fun facts about green beans. May 17, 2019.