How to select
Choose firm, unblemished kumquats.
How to prepare
- Rinse kumquats under running water.
- Pat dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.
- Roll between your fingers to enhance flavor.
- Kumquats can be eaten whole or sliced per recipe instructions.
How to store
Store kumquats in a plastic bag in the fridge and use within one month.
Peak season
Winter, spring
Ways to use
- Toss kumquats into a salad.
- Make homemade kumquat jam and add a citrus kick to your breakfast.
- Roast kumquats with honey and serve with chicken, duck, or pork.
- Eat kumquats by themselves as a quick, healthy snack.
Fun facts
- The name kumquat comes from the Cantonese word for golden orange or tangerine.
- Kumquats are native to China.
- Kumquats are the smallest member of the citrus family.
- Kumquats are known as the "inside-out orange" because the inside is sour while the outside is sweet.
Nutrition info and facts
Kumquat seeds and peels contain omega-3 fatty acids. Kumquats are filling due to their high water and fiber content, but are low in calories. Kumquats are rich in vitamin C. The edible skin of a kumquat contains plant compounds with antioxdant, anti-inflammatory, and cholesterol-lowering properties.
5 whole kumquats = 71 calories, 16 g carbohydrate, 2 g protein, 1 g fat, 6.5 g fiber, 6% RDI vitamin A, 73% RDI vitamin C, 6% RDI calcium, 7% RDI manganese
Learn more
Growing citrus indoors (UMN Extension)
Food Network. In season: Kumquats.
Healthline. What are kumquats good for and how do you eat them? July 12, 2018.
Plantura Magazine. How to eat a kumquat: Taste & tips.
Slurrp. Kumquat, the fruit with 7 interesting facts. December 9, 2022.
U.S. Citrus. 7 Amazing ways to use kumquats. January 28, 2019.