How to select
Choose garlic that is firm, dry and round. A white or off-white color indicates fresh garlic.
How to prepare
- Peel garlic cloves before using.
- To quickly peel a whole bulb of garlic, separate all gloves and put in a metal bowl.
- To peel a single clove, place the flat side of chef knife on top of the clove and press firmly with the heel of your hand.
- Continue to peel off the outer casing.
- Garlic cloves can be used whole, chopped, or minced depending on the recipe.
How to store
- Store fresh garlic in either an uncovered or loosely covered container in a cool, dark place away from heat and sunlight.
- Whole bulbs can stay fresh for 1 month.
- It is not necessary to refrigerate garlic.
- Do not freeze as it reduces flavor and changes texture.
Peak season
Ways to use
- Garlic can be sauteed in oil, roasted with vegetables, or added to a salad dressing.
- Add garlic to sauces, soups, stews, and casseroles for a boost of flavor.
Fun facts
- On average, each person eats about 2 pounds (300 cloves!) of garlic a year.
- China grows the most garlic in the world at 46 billion pounds per year.
- While garlic repels vampires in lore, it repels mosquitoes in real life.
- Garlic juice can be used as glue.
Nutrition facts and info
Rich in B vitamins to help cell grow and stay healthy. High in vitamin C to keep the immune system strong. Contains manganese which helps keep our bones and nervous system healthy. Helps reduce inflammation in our bodies.
3 cloves garlic = 13 calories, 3 g carbs, 16 mg calcium, 14 mg phosphorus, 36 mg potassium
Learn more
Growing garlic in home gardens (UMN Extension)
Basta Pasta. 6 Fun facts about garlic. March 29, 2019.
FoodData Central. Garlic. April 2018.
Have a Plant. Garlic.