How to select
Choose raspberries that are dry with tight skin, rich color, and without bruises or mold.
How to prepare
Discard any shriveled or moldy berries. Gently rinse berries in a colander before using. Raspberries can be eaten fresh or preserved by freezing, canning, or drying. If baking with frozen berries, do not thaw before using or the juice and color will bleed or leak out. Gently add berries to batter as the last step before baking.
How to store
Only rinse berries right before you plan to use them. Keep in the refrigerator to keep fresh. Store unwashed berries in a container with a lid or with a paper towel above and below them to keep them fresher for up to 1 week. You can freeze ripe berries in an airtight container or bag if they won't be eaten within 2-3 days of purchasing for up to 9 months; be sure to wash them first and remove any damaged berries.
Peak season
Ways to use
- Puree and use as a sauce over pancakes, ice cream, or frozen yogurt.
- Top cold cereal or oatmeal with raspberries for added flavor and fiber.
- Mix with other berries or fruits for a fresh fruit salad.
Fun facts
- The tiny pieces that make up a raspberry are called drupelets.
- Raspberries can be red, purple, gold, or black, with gold being the sweetest.
- In Germany, an old myth states that raspberries are magical.
Nutrition info and facts
Raspberries are a good source of vitamin C to promote immune health. Raspberries are a good source of vitamin K, which helps cuts and wounds heal. Raspberries are rich in fiber to aid healthy digestion, increase fullness, and improve heart health.
1 cup red raspberries = 64 calories, 15 g carbohydrate, 1.5 g protein, 54% RDI vitamin C, 41% RDI manganese, 12% RDI vitamin K
Learn more
Growing raspberries in the home garden (UMN Extension)
Healthline. Red raspberries: Nutrition, facts, benefits and more. July 3, 2023.
Mavis Butterfield: One Hundred Dollars a Month. 10 Fun facts about raspberries! July 19, 2019.